Board of Education Agenda - Archive

Special Meeting

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Password:  013233
Per CT Executive Order 7B (see exerpt related to open meetings), "any materials relevant to matters on the agenda, including but not limited to materials related to specific applications, if applicable, shall be submitted to the agency a minimum of twenty four (24) hours prior and posted to the agency's website for public inspection prior to, during, and after the meeting, and any exhibits to be submitted by members of the public shall, to the extent feasible, also be submitted to the agency a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting and posted to the agency's website for public inspection prior to, during, and after the meeting"



Thomaston Board of Education 

Budget Subcommittee Meeting


Thomaston Town Hall – BOE Central Office

Monday, August 19, 2013

6:00 p.m.


  Budget Subcommittee Members:

Roxy Fainer

Kathleen Freimuth

Rebecca Guay



  1. Establish a quorum and call to order


  1. Review Business Overview Report


  1. Review 2012-2013 Financial Status Close out Report


  1. Review 2013-2-14 Operating Budget Report


  1. Review 2013-2014 Grant Budget report


  1. Review Transfers for the month – N/A


  1. Set regular meeting schedule



Meeting Notice

Thomaston Board of Education
Special Meeting

 Monday, July 22, 2013
6:00 p.m.
Thomaston Town Hall
Teen Center





  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Introduction of new Superintendent to the Thomaston Citizenry
  4. Potential action on Board of Education vacancy
  5. Long-Term Educational Utilization Plan Summary/Update:  Superintendent Francine Coss
  6. Executive Session (anticipated) for the purpose of Attorney/Client Privileges
  7. Adjournment


Any meeting of the board of education that is not included on the list of regular meetings filed with the town clerk is a “special meeting” Significantly, items cannot be added to the agenda of a special meeting.  The board can address only such business as is included in the notice of the meeting.  Conn. Gen. State § 1-225(a).

Meeting Notice


Thomaston Board of Education

Special Meeting


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

6:00 p.m.

Thomaston Town Hall

First Selectman’s Conference Room

Level 4




I.       Call to Order


II.      Approval of Agenda


III.    Superintendent’s Search Committee

          A. Motion to accept/approve employment of new


          B. Motion to accept/approve newly appointed

              Superintendent’s contract


IV.    Executive Session for the purpose of Attorney/Client Privileged Communication (anticipated)


V.      Public Session


VI.    Adjournment


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.         Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, May 13, 2013


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations:


VII.      Communications:


A.        New Hires/Rehires/Replacements:  

1.         Jeffrey Macken, Math Teacher, Thomaston High School, effective with the commencement of the 2013/2014 school year (replaces Marta VanHoose)

Vote to accept/approve



B.         Resignations/Retirements/Exit Interviews:        

1.         Lynda Petersen, Retirement, School Psychologist, Black Rock School, effective June 30, 2013

2.         Vanessa Therrien, Resignation, Elementary Teacher, Thomaston Center School, effective August 21, 2013

3.         Anne Uberti, Resignation, Principal, Thomaston Center School, effective June 30, 2013

4.         Kathleen Claussen, Retirement, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, effective June 30, 2013

5.         Jeffrey Roberts, Resignation, Science Teacher, Thomaston High School, effective at the conclusion of the 2012/2013 school year.

6.         Linda Blethen, Retirement, Elementary Teacher, Black Rock School, effective June 30, 2013.

7.         Dana Pietrosimone, Resignation, .6 Science Teacher, Thomaston High School, effective June 30, 2013.

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics:  n/a


D.        Transfers:   n/a


E.         Leaves of Absence:  n/a


F.         Field Trips:  n/a


            Correspondence:  n/a


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Student-of-the-month:  Michael Callaghan
  2. First Selectman, Ed Mone, Municipal Parking Thomaston Center School
  3. Chief James Campbell – Security
  4. EEF Mini Grants/Thomaston Savings Bank Grants
  5. Board Meeting Structure/Start Times January 2014



IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

            A.        Excess Costs


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer


XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $13,151,866.72

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Transfers for the month of June 2013 in the amount of  $119,668   

Vote to accept/approve


B.         Curriculum/Instruction:  n/a


C.        Maintenance/Facilities:  n/a


D.        Technology:  n/a


E.         Personnel:

1.         Empower the Superintendent to act and contract with

district personnel including appropriate non-renewed

teachers over the summer.

Vote to accept/approve


F.         Transportation:  n/a


G.        Athletics:  n/a


H.        Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


I.          Policy:  

                        1.         Proposed Draft Revision:   Business/Non-Instructional

                                    Operations, Policy 3323 (second read)

                        Vote to accept/approve


J.          Government Relations:  n/a


K.        Affiliations:  n/a


L.         Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.     Old Business:  n/a


XIV.    New Business:  n/a


XV.     Items for Future Agendas:  

  1. Field Trip to Greece, Spring 2014


XVI.    Executive Session: 


XVII.   Adjournment:


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.         Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, April 8, 2013


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations:

  1. CABE Student Leadership Awards:  Joseph Fainer, Alexandra Martin, Robert Perugini, Marisa Santopietro

B.         Music Teacher Kate Boyles:  “A Surprise Performance”


VII.      Communications:


A.        New Hires/Rehires/Replacements:  n/a



B.         Resignations/Retirees/Exit Interviews:   

1.         Marta Van Hoose, Math Teacher, Thomaston High School, retiring effective June 30, 2013.

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics:  n/a


D.        Transfers:   n/a



E.         Leaves of Absence: 

1.         Marie Danis, School Psychologist, High School, effective April 14, 2013 to June 3, 2013

Vote to accept/approve


F.         Field Trips:  n/a



  1. Correspondence - Informational: 
    1. 1.                  Board & Administrator For School Board Members

“Board officers take colleague to task over ‘ethic violations’

                        2.         Education Update – “Making Mathematicians”


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

            A.        Student-of-the-month:  Dominic Richards

B.         Teacher Evaluation and Support System

C.        Presenters – Grade 8 Awards Night and High School Graduation – two Board members each evening

D.        Joseph F. Bartosiewicz Sr. Persistence & Determination Scholarship and the Gloria Bartosiewicz Comeback Kid Scholarship

            Vote to accept/approve


IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

            A.        Consolidation Consultant Recommendation:

                        Arum & Associates, LLC

                        Vote to accept/approve

            B.         Earthlink – Diversified Telecom Group

                        Service Agreement for Fiberoptics, Phone and Internet

                        Vote to accept/approve

            C.        T.T.I. – Turnkey Technology

                        Wireless Access Points Installation

                        Vote to accept/approve

            D.        Igniting Creative Energy Student Awards (3)

            E.         Year-end Projections


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer



XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

                    A.  Budget:

  1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount $12,078,272.61  may change

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Transfers for the month of May 2013 in the amount of  $ $50,340.68

Vote to accept/approve


3.         2014 Budget Update – Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick


B.  Curriculum/Instruction:  n/a


  1. Maintenance/Facilities:  n/a


  1. Technology:  n/a


  1. Personnel: n/a


  1. Transportation:  n/a


  1. Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy:  

1.  Proposed Draft Revision:   Business/Non-Instructional

                             Operations, Policy 3323, first read

                        2.   District Wide Medical Forms – Nurse, Beth Carangelo


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations:  n/a


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.     Old Business: 

A.        Internet Safety/Cyber Bullying Presentation – Detective P. Morgan -Update from Board Member Debra Schriver

B.         Superintendent Search Update – Lucy Santopietro      


XIV.    New Business:  n/a


XV.     Items for Future Agendas:  

  1. Board meeting structure
  2. Start time for 2014 BoE Meetings
  3. Field Trip to Greece, Spring 2014


XVI.    Executive Session: (anticipated) 


XVII.   Adjournment:

Meeting Notice

Thomaston Board of Education

Special Meeting


Monday, March 25, 2013

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Thomaston Town Hall

Lena Morton Gallery




I.      Call to Order


II.    Approval of Agenda


III.   Consolidation Discussions


IV.   Public Participation

        The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board policy, public participation is limited to no more than (3) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than 24 minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-Laws}


V.    Consolidation/Time-Line

Anticipated Vote to Accept/Approve


VI.   Adjournment


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.         Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Special Meeting of the Board of Education dated Thursday, February 14, 2013
  • Special Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, February 25, 2013


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations/Recognitions:

  1. Black Rock School/Center School Mission Statement and Belief Statements
  2. Board Member Recognition (Proclamation)
  3. TEAM Mentor Recognition


VII.      Communications:


A.        New Hires/Rehires/Replacements:  

1.         Caitlyn Ryan, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, (replacement)

2.         Patricia Nolan, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, (replacement)

Vote to accept/approve





B.         Resignations/Exit Interviews:       

1.         Karen Sforza, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, effective March 6, 2013

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics:  n/a


D.        Transfers:   n/a


E.         Leaves of Absence: 

1.         Erica Flanagan, on or about May 2, 2013 to the commencement of the 2013/2014 school year

Vote to accept/approve


F.         Field Trips:  n/a


  1. Correspondence: 
    1. Second Quarter Honor Roll Letter (informational only)


H.        2012/2013 School Calendar Adjustments

1.         Calendar adjustments due to inclement weather

Vote to accept/approve


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Student-of-the-month:  Christopher Zebrowski
  2. Consolidation
  3. Common Core State Standard
  4. Harvard Education Letter, - Common Core/Deeper Learning


IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

A.        The Journal – Connecticut Association of Boards of Education – Article, “New Rules for Communicating when Connected 24/7”

B.         Igniting Creative Energy Program


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer

D.        Superintendent Search – update – Chair, Lucy Santopietro



XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line y-t-d Expenditures in the amount of $ 9,644,992.31

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Transfers for the month of February/March  2013 in the amount of  $115,337.45   

Vote to accept/approve


B.         Curriculum/Instruction:  n/a


C.        Maintenance/Facilities:  n/a


D.        Technology: 

1.         Update – Deborrah Sanford


E.         Personnel: n/a


F.         Transportation:  n/a


G.        Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy:  

1.         Purchasing Policy – First Read


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations: 

1.         November 15-16, 2013 CABE/CAPSS Convention


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.     Old Business: n/a


XIV.    New Business:  n/a


XV.     Items for Future Agendas:  

  1. Board Meeting Structure
  2. Start time for 2014 B.o.E. Meetings
  3. Field Trip to Greece Spring 2014
  4. Internet Safety/Cyber Bullying Presentation – Detective P. Morgan


XVI.    Executive Session: 


XVII.   Adjournment:

Meeting Notice
Thomaston Board of Education
Special Meeting


Monday, February 25, 2013
6:30 p.m.

Meeting Room One
Thomaston Town Hall




I.       Call to Order


II.      Approval of Agenda


III.     Move to appoint the Thomaston Board of Education as the Superintendent Personnel Search Committee in accordance with CT General Statutes 1-200(2), Freedom of Information


IV.     Grievance Matter:  Marie Eldridge       


V.      Executive Session:  (anticipated for deliberations regarding Marie Eldridge matter)


VI.     Regular Session

          Vote to accept/deny Marie Eldridge grievance matter


VII.   Adjournment


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.        Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, January 14, 2013
  • Budget Subcommittee Meeting dated Thursday, January 24, 2013
  • Budget Subcommittee Meeting dated Thursday, January 31, 2013


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations/Guests:

  1. First Selectman, Ed Mone, ESPC update (Energy Savings Plan Committee)
  2. State Representative, John Piscopo, Education Reform            


VII.     Communications:


A.        New Hires/Replacements:  

1.         Heidi Madow, 16-hrs School-to-Career Coordinator, Thomaston High School, effective February 4, 2013

            (replaces Joan Batten, 30 hours)

2.         Terri Rousseau, 10-hr Paraprofessional, Thomaston High School, effective January 30, 2013

            (replaces Nicole Thornton)

3.         Teressa Bocci, General Kitchen Worker, Thomaston High School, effective February 1, 2013

            (replaces Patricia O’Gara)

4.         Sandra Lubans, Schedule K Assignment, Naviance Site Manager, effective immediately

            (new schedule k position, ½ year stipend)

                                        Vote to accept/approve



B.         Resignations/Exit Interviews:      

1.         Christina Mola, Special Education Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, effective January 14, 2013

2.         Michael Herschenfeld, Social Studies Teacher, Thomaston High School, effective with the conclusion of the 12/13 school year.

3.         Susan Graham, Family Focused Outreach Specialist, effective January 31, 2013

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics:  n/a


D.        Transfers:   n/a


E.         Leaves of Absence:  n/a


F.         Field Trips:  n/a                    


  1. Correspondence: 
    1. Harvard Education Letter Article-Informational

“Grit” and the New Character Education


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

            1.         Student of the Month for December 2012:  Drew Gagnon

            2.         Student of the Month for January 2013:  Joseph Fainer

            3.         Student of the Month for February 2013:  Heather Jones

            4.         Consolidation Discussion Group

            5.         S.E.N.D. (Sharing Education News and Data)


IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

            A.        “Keeping our Schools Safe”/Safety Meetings


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer


XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $8,501,705.07

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Transfers for the month of in the amount of $ n/a

Vote to accept/approve


  1. 2013/2014 Budget Presentation

Vote to accept/approve


  1. 2013/2014 Capital Plan

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Retirement Incentive Discussion


  1. Curriculum/Instruction: 
    1. Thomaston High School, passing grade from 60 to 65

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Maintenance/Facilities:  n/a


  1. Technology: 

1.         Technology Committee Update/Protocol for Technology Purchases – Deb Sanford


  1. Personnel: n/a


  1. Transportation:  n/a


  1. Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy:  n/a


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations:  n/a


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.    Old Business: 

  1. Board meeting structure
  2. Start time for 2014 BoE meetings
  3. Field Trip to Greece in Spring 2014

(Continue to carry forward)


XIV.    New Business: 

  1. Superintendent Search – Lucy Santopietro 


XV.      Items for Future Agendas: n/a


XVI.    Executive Session:


XVII.   Adjournment:


Budget Subcommittee Meeting



Thursday, January 31, 2013



5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.



Thomaston Town Hall

Meeting Room One

Level Four




  1.      I.     Establishment of a quorum


  II.     Approval of Agenda


III.     2013/2014 Operating Budget


  1. IV.     2013/2014 Capital Plan


  1.    V.     Adjournment


 Budget Subcommittee Meeting 


Thursday, January 24, 2013



5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.



Thomaston Town Hall

Meeting Room One

Level Four





  1.      I.     Establishment of a quorum


  II.     Approval of Agenda


III.     2013/2014 Operating Budget


  1. IV.     Adjournment


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.        Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, December 10, 2012


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations:

  1. CAPT Scholars’ Recognition

(Certificates will be presented to those students who achieved Advanced Level on the mathematics, reading, writing and science subtests.)

            B.         Ms. Knowlton’s students; project reports


VII.     Communications:


A.        New Hires/Rehires/Replacements:  

1.         Robert Stack, (rehire) Paraprofessional, Thomaston Center School, effective December 18, 2012

2.         Donna Sanford, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, effective December 17, 2012

Vote to accept/approve



B.         Resignations/Exit Interviews:      

1.         Nicole Thornton, Paraprofessional, Thomaston High School,

            effective January 1, 2013

2.         Patricia O’Gara, General Kitchen Worker, Thomaston High School, effective December 11, 2012

3.         Lynda Mitchell, Superintendent, effective with Thomaston High School Graduation in June of 2013

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics: 

1.         Heidi Madow, Cheerleading Coach

2.         Kristin Thornton, Cheerleading Coach

3.         Bob Milius, Middle School Girls’ Basketball Coach

4.         Joe Aniki, Middle School Boys’ Basketball Coach

Vote to accept/approve


D.        Transfers:   n/a


E.         Leaves of Absence: 

1.         Nancy Schnyer, Director of Pupil Services, from Monday, January 21, 2013 through Monday, March 4, 2013.

Vote to accept/approve


F.         Field Trips:  

            1.         Faculty Member, Laura Woelflein and the Class of 2015;

Newport, Rhode Island; Breaker’s Mansion; May 9, 2013

2.         Faculty Member, Laura Woelflein and History Students; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City; March 28, 2013            

            Vote to accept/approve


  1. Correspondence: 

1.         2012-2013 Educator Certification Compliance Report


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

            A.        Student-of-the-month:  (December)  Drew Gagne

B.         Student-of-the-month:  (January) Joseph Fainer

            C.        Remembering Karen DePalma…..

D.        Consolidation Committee



IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

  1. Security Symposium
  2. Budget Update



X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer



XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $5,981,806.15

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Transfers for the month of January 2013 in the amount of       $ 54,554.18

Vote to accept/approve



  1. Special Education Tuition Rates (as presented) 


Black Rock School

Preschool Tuition Rates 2013/2014

5% Increase


                                                 Yearly            Days              Per Day


2 - ½ days per week per year         $1,593             72                    $22.12


3 - ½ days per week per year         $1,806             104                  $17.37


5 - ½ days per week per year         $2,255             177                  $12.74


Vote to accept/approve     


  1. Curriculum/Instruction:  n/a


  1. Maintenance/Facilities: 
    1. Security (school doors/keyfob)


  1. Technology:  n/a


  1. Personnel: n/a


  1. Transportation:  n/a


  1. Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy:
    1. Cell phone policy (clean copy with edits requested from December Board meeting)
    2. Social Networking Policy (Lynda Mitchell)


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations: 

1.         CABE Update:  Joanne Gilland


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.    Old Business: 

            A.        Board meeting structure

  1. Start time for 2014 BoE meetings
  2. Field Trip to Greece in Spring 2014

(Continue to carry forward)


XIV.    New Business: 


XV.      Items for Future Agendas: n/a


XVI.    Executive Session: (anticipated) 

            Legal update on out-of-district transportation contract


XVII.   Adjournment:


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.         Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, November 19, 2012


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations: n/a


VII.      Communications:

A.        New Hires/Replacements:  

1.         Christina Mola, Pre-School Autism Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, 19.5 hours

2.         Karen Sforza, Paraprofessional, Black Rock School, 16.25 hours

                                Vote to accept/approve


  1. Resignations/Exit Interviews: n/a


C.        Schedule K Positions:  

Team Leader Grade 10:                  Marie Butterly

Dean of Students:                             Rose McLaughlin

Grade 11 Class Advisor:                 Laura O’Brien

High School Class Advisor:           Susan Santovasi

TEAM Reflection Reviewers:         P. Henderson/M.  Saramanidis

Vote to accept/approve


D.        Athletics: 

Recently appointed winter sport coaches:

Wrestling Varsity:    Mike Herschenfeld

Vote to accept/approve


E.         Transfers:   n/a


F.         Leaves of Absence:  n/a


G.        Field Trips:  n/a


H.        Correspondence: 

                        1.         Honor Roll Letter – First Quarter

                        2.         Education Update Article:  “Return to our Roots”

                        3.         District Data for 2011/2012


            I.          School Calendar

                        1.         2013/2014 School Year Calendar

                        Vote to accept/approve


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Student of the month:  Drew Gagne (December 13th)
  2. Teacher Evaluation Committee
  3. Consolidation Committee


IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

            A.        Budget Update        


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

            B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer


XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $5,508,038.09
    2. Transfers for the month of in the amount of $26,515.60

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Curriculum/Instruction: 
    1. Curriculum Council Meeting – Initiating a Process
    2. “Curriculum Development and Revision Process” – informational correspondence
    3. “CT Curriculum Development Guide” – informational correspondence


  1. Maintenance/Facilities: 
    1. E.S.P.C.
    2. Roof Project
    3. Facilities Assessment
    4. Field Maintenance


  1. Technology: 
    1. Information – Infrastructure


  1. Personnel: n/a


  1. Transportation: 

Proposals-Bus transportation contracts for the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2018:

  1. Regular Education: 

Vote to accept/approve

  1. Out-of-District Pupil Services: 

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy: 
    1. Board Goals
    2. Cell Phone Policy

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations: 

1.         CABE Update


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.     Old Business:  n/a


XIV.    New Business: 


XV.     Items for Future Agendas:

  1. Start time for 2014 BoE meetings
  2. Field Trip to Greece in Spring 2014


XVI.    Executive Session:  (anticipated) Strategy with regards to Collective Bargaining/Negotiations


XVII.   Adjournment:


I.          Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.         Pledge of Allegiance.


III.       Approval of Agenda.


IV.       Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  • Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated Monday, October 15, 2012


V.        Student Representative Reports:  (Sarah Guay/Phil Sechow)


VI.       Incredible Classroom/Student Presentations:


VII.      Communications:


A.        New Hires/Replacements:  

          1.         Kim Lemoine, Paraprofessional, Thomaston Center School    

                                Vote to accept/approve



B.         Resignations/Exit Interviews:       

          1.         Dante Coviello, Paraprofessional, Thomaston Center School, effective October 19, 2012

Vote to accept/approve


C.        Athletics:  (coach assignments)

1.         Middle School Girls’ Soccer:          John Perrucci

2.         Middle School Boys’ Soccer:          Michael Herschenfeld

3.         Junior Varsity Boys’ Soccer:           Jennifer Ewart

Vote to accept/approve


D.        Transfers:   n/a


E.         Leaves of Absence:  n/a


F.         Field Trips:  n/a


  1. Correspondence:  n/a


H.        Meeting Dates for 2013:

                        2013 Regular Meeting Dates for the Board of Education:

Regular meeting dates are scheduled for the second Monday of each month unless otherwise noted.  Please refer to the enclosed proposed dates, specifically for the months of October and November 2013.

Vote to accept/approve


VIII.    Superintendent’s Report:

  1. Student-of-the-month:  Cameron Chaplen
  2. Litchfield County Superintendent’s Association Student Recognition Award Banquet Honorees – November 13, 2012:

Madison McCarthy, Christopher Zebrowski, Alexandra Martin, Jessica Ciavarella

  1. Superintendent’s Goals 2012-2015
  2. 2013/2014 School District Calendar
  3. Teacher Evaluation Plan


IX.       Business Manager’s Report:

            A.        Negotiations


X.        Administrators’ Reports:

A.        Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

B.         Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.        Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer


XI.       Standing Committee Reports:

  1. Budget:
    1. Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $4,706,652.12
    2. Transfers for the month of in the amount of $ (n/a)

Vote to accept/approve


  1. Curriculum/Instruction: 
    1. “Curriculum Council Plan” – High Need
    2. Science Curriculum – State Update


  1. Maintenance/Facilities: 
    1. Snow removal bid
    2. ECG Update
    3. Roof Project
    4. Field Maintenance


  1. Technology: 

1.         Update – Deborrah Sanford


  1. Personnel: n/a


  1. Transportation:  n/a


  1. Athletics:  n/a


  1. Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


  1. Policy: 

1.         Cell Phone Policy (First Read)


  1. Government Relations:  n/a


  1. Affiliations:  n/a


  1. Legislation: n/a


XII.      Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}




XIII.     Old Business: 

  1. Donations: 
    1. Varsity Scoreboard
    2. Bentley  Systems

Vote to accept/approve


XIV.    New Business: 

            A.        Regular Meetings of the BoE commencement time      


XV.     Items for Future Agendas:


XVI.    Executive Session:


XVII.   Adjournment:


I.            Establishment of a quorum and call to order.                 


II.            Pledge of Allegiance.


III.            Approval of Agenda.


IV.            Approval of Board of Education Minutes for:

  •       Regular Meeting of the Board of Education dated September 10, 2012


V.            Student Representative Reports:  Welcome to our new student representatives - Philip Sechow
               and Sarah Guay


VI.        Incredible Classroom/Presentations:

1.         Thomaston High School – Michelle Dayton – “Students in the News”

2.         Thomaston Youth Council Representatives:  Susan Graham/ PowerPoint Presentation


VII.            Communications:


A.            New Hires:  n/a                                                   



B.            Resignations/Exit Interviews:   

              Robert Stack, Paraprofessional, Thomaston Center School, October 5, 2012

                  Vote to accept/approve


C.            Athletics: 

               1. Jack Pasquella - Scoreboard


D.            Transfers:   n/a


E.            Leaves of Absence:  n/a


F.            Field Trips:   n/a


G.             Correspondence: 

                1. Fire Inspections


VIII.            Superintendent’s Report:

A.   Student(s) of the month:  Alexandria Martin, October 4, 2012; Shannon April, October 11, 2012

B.      2013/2014 School Calendar:  Terryville/Wolcott

C.    Teacher Evaluation:  Meeting with Terryville/Wolcott on October 10, 2012

D.   Consolidation Meeting – schedule next meeting

E.     New Meeting Process – sample enclosed

F.     Schedule K Job Descriptions

G.    Communication and Vision Committees


IX.            Business Manager’s Report: written/attached


X.            Administrators’ Reports:

A.            Black Rock School, Alisha DiCorpo/Thomaston Center School, Anne Uberti

B.            Thomaston High School, John Perrucci

C.            Pupil Services, Nancy Schnyer


XI.            Standing Committee Reports:

        A.             Budget:

                 1.               Summary by Budget Line Y-T-D expenditures in the amount of $2,924,574.00

                 2.               Transfers for the month of in the amount of $:  n/a

Vote to accept/approve


        B.              Curriculum/Instruction: 

                 1.               Curriculum Council Update

                 2.               Common Core – Education Connection

                 3.               High School Curriculum:  Vote to accept/approve



       C.              Maintenance/Facilities: 

                1. Energy Savings Performance Contract - update


       D.             Technology: 

                1.               District Technology Committee (Deb Sanford)

                2.               Board of Finance Agenda – November 13th


        E.              Personnel: n/a


        F.               Transportation:  n/a


        G.             Athletics:  n/a


        H.             Long Range Task Force/Building Committee:  n/a


        I.                Policy: 

                 1. Update:  Nancy O’Dea-Wyrick


        J.                Government Relations:  n/a


        K.              Affiliations:  n/a


         L.              Legislation:

                  1. Special Education:  Recent Legislation Impact


XII.     Public Participation:

The Board welcomes public participation.  Pursuant to our Board Policy, public participation is limited to no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and a total of no more than twenty (20) minutes on each subject matter.  We know you will observe the rules of common courtesy.  Thank you.  {9325(a) of Board By-laws}


XIII.    Old Business: 

            A.            Board Self-Evaluation/Chair


XIV.    New Business: 


XV.      Items for Future Agendas: n/a


XVI.     Executive Session:  (anticipated) Collective Bargaining Strategy and Negotiations


XVII.    Adjournment:

No meeting in July 2012